Thursday, June 18, 2009

Handmade Militia Newsletter : July

Hello, Hello all of my friends,
I hope this sunny weather is finding you relaxed and inspired!

Here are the Handmade Militia events on the calendar for July.
As always if you are interested in participating just shoot me an email and let me know.

There will be the First Friday Craft Fair (July 3rd). 
This is a simple event where everyone gets together and sells their wares, one night a month. It's a great chance to test the waters with a new collection of goods or to make your first appearance on the craft fair circuit. Cost is minimal, $10 (new, lower price) and simply helps cover my advertising. You get to keep 100% of the profits you make. Currently, I'm working out the details on a new location. The previous first friday craft fairs have been at the Bean Cycle coffee shop which was wonderful. A huge thank you to everyone who made this possible and to those who put up with our intrusions each month. But I think it is time to move on. I've found a larger space which means more crafters, which means more variety, which means more yummy handmade-ness, which means all the more reason for people to come.

As a side note: With the past First Friday Craft Fairs I feel like we were something people just 'happened upon' and most of the time it was not these looky-loos who ended up buying our things. I'm hoping to promote this month's craft fair as more of a destination and an event. Casual passers- by are always welcome, but I'd like to encourage more people to think of us when they are trying to decide what to do on Friday night. 

"Hey Jane,"
"Yes, Jack."
"Let's go check out the Handmade Militia craft fair before we head out to dinner tonight."
"Oh Jack, you read my mind."

I'l be making posters and flyers showing the dates for at least 3 of the upcoming first fridays. I'll let you know when they are available if you would like to have some of your own.
I will also be doing the usual virtual world advertising - facebook, craigslist, newspaper calendars, blogs, etc...
Let me know if you have any other ideas. 
Here's to a permanent fixture in the (first) friday night scene!


Then there will be the opportunity to share the Handmade Militia booth at our (as in Fort Collins') outdoor summer market called The French Nest Market on July 11th. This one is a little more $ but there's more bang for your buck. Depending on how many people sign up to share the booth, the cost will be $20-$40. The booth is 10' x 20'. I provide the tents and a few display things but I'm asking people to bring more things to help me out (tables, boxes, racks etc...)There was a TON of foot traffic and everyone had good sales at the one last month, and I think July will only be better. Besides that, it's just plain old fun. You get to sit in grass and hang out with other people who make things, and sell your creations to an adoring public, what more could you want really? The market runs from 9 am - 3 pm, set up at 7 ish. 
p.s. this event is child friendly. There is a large grassy area for kids to play in so if you need to bring the kiddos just let me know.


Thanks to all of you for your continued support. The Handmade Militia would not be what it is without you; it would just be the Handmade Militant and that really doesn't have the same ring to it...


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